On My Autobiography

Note Taking

In order to describe what’s going on around me, my notes should be short, quick, and straight to the point. If not, they could either be too long and boring, or too full of details that are not important. Based on myself, my notes can probably even contain just one word per note, that will trigger a memory. The only problem with that is, I might forget.



Life-Changing Events

I’ve had more than one event that impacted me greatly. In fact, learning to read was one of them. Where would I be without books? I certainly wouldn’t be a writer. Then again, I suppose learning to love books was just as important as learning to read. Another important event was when I started acting. Again, it inspired me to be a writer.



Stories I’d Include

When I write my autobiography, three events I’d include are…

Well, for one, I’d include details on when we moved. For another, I’d tell about Germany (because foriegn countries tend to be interesting). For the last one, I’d tell about writing/homeschooling. I’d also include anecdotes about life in the woods with a big family, as well as short tellings of the day’s adventures.



Ant War or Loons?

If I wrote about life in the woods, (which I’ll most likely end up doing) I’d probably write more on an ant war than on loons. Then again, I guess it depends on what the loons are doing. If they’re just sitting there, ant war wins. But if they’re behaving strangely, they would get a story. (Of course, I’d write the ant war as a parody-comedy section.)



Major Life Events

My life has very much been affected by books, plays and other literature. Probably the first book that I can remember that actually had a lasting impact is “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” by C.S. Lewis. I read it when I was in second grade. It was the first longer book I had read and I think it sparked my love of reading. Two more pieces of literature that affected me are the plays “The Big Dog’s Club” and “Tickle Academy”, both by Connie Breding. After “The Big Dog’s Club” I tried writing a script of my own. And it was after “Tickle Academy” that I decided to try and become a writer. I believe that literature is very, very important in the world.



A Few Turning Points…

Compared to Kourdakov, I have had few turning points in my life. But that doesn’t mean I’ve had none.

The first turning point was probably when my family moved to Turkey for a year. In my opinion, living in a foreign country at a young age was a real learning experience. If we never would have gone to Turkey, I might not enjoy traveling as much as I do today. Another, similar experience to that was moving to Germany.

The second turning point was choosing to go to church at First Assembly Worship Center, where I accepted Christ and was baptized. The third was deciding to homeschool after fourth grade.





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