Opinions on the Future…

The way I see it, the future can go many different ways from here. Two that stick out to me are the two opposites. One way I see the future is that it’s all downhill from here. That’s probably going to happen unless we make some changes for the better to create the other future I think is possible. In the other future, (a century or two later) there are still wars, but not so often. There is still hunger, but much less than there is now. Pollution will have ceased, resulting in fewer endangered species and a cleaner planet. I think my second view on the future is somewhat similar to Washington’s, at least in the way that the world is a better place. (And in my opinion, two things that we really need are a growth ray to increase the size and supply of food and water, and a shrink ray so that we can shrink garbage, waste and smog.)

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